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The Constitution of the Korean Association of
East-West Comparative Literature (KEASTWEST)

Chapter 1: “General Provisions”

Article 1 (Name)
This group is referred to as the Korean Association of East-West Comparative Literature (hereafter “KEASTWEST”).

Article 2 (Purpose)
The goal of this group is to do research on literature and ideas from both the East and the West.

Article 3 (Business)
For the above purpose, the association conducts the following business.

  1. 1. Holding academic conferences
  2. 2. The publication of an academic journal
  3. 3. collection and storage of academic materials
  4. 4. exchange with similar associations around the world
  5. 5. other projects for the purpose of this association

Article 4 (Location)
In principle, this association’s office is located at the university of the president of this association.

Chapter 2: Membership

Article 5 (Types of Members and Qualifications)
The types of membership in this association are as follows:

  1. 1.Regular members: current or former university professors interested in East-West comparative literature or ideological research, those with a master’s degree or higher, and those who have been recommended by two or more members and have a special interest in East-West comparative literature research.
  2. 2.Associate members: Master’s students who are interested in East-West comparative literature and ideological research.
  3. 3.Special members: those who have made a significant contribution to the organization's mission.
  4. 4. Group members: Libraries and institutions

Article 6 (Membership)
People who want to join this association have to fill out a form and send it to the general meeting. The board of directors will then decide if the general meeting will accept the application.

Article 7 (Rights and Obligations of Members)

  1. 1. Regular members have the right to vote and to be elected.
  2. 2. Members can participate in all the activities of this association.
  3. 3. Members must pay the prescribed membership fee.

Article 8 (Loss of Membership)
If a member does not fulfill his or her membership obligations as a member for more than 2 years, the membership will be forfeited.

Chapter 3: Organization and Officers

Article 9 (Types of Organization)
The association has the following organizations:

  1. 1. General Assembly
  2. 2. Board of Directors
  3. 3. Editorial Board
  4. 4. Various committees

Article 10 (Functions of the Organization)

  1. 1.Association members make the most important decisions at their annual general meeting. They decide on the following:
    1. 1) Concerns about officers’ election
    2. 2) Approval of revenue and expenses
    3. 3) Concerns about proposed constitutional amendments
    4. 4) Business plan approval
    5. 5) Other vital considerations
  2. 2. The Board of Directors decides on the following:
    1. 1) Concerns about the authority outlined in the bylaws
    2. 2) General meeting delegates' matters
    3. 3) Deliberation on revenue and expenditure
    4. 4) Consideration of a business plan
    5. 5) Other vital considerations

Article 11 (Types of Executives)The association has the following officers:

  1. 1. President
  2. 2. 3 or more Vice-President
  3. 3.Some Executive Directors (Secretary General, Treasurer, Information Director, Deputy General Secretary, Editor-in-Chief, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Member Relations Director, International Affairs Director, Academic Director, Research Director)
  4. 4. Auditors: 2
  5. 5.The Council: composed of the former vice presidents of the Association or former and current university professors with outstanding academic achievements in the study of East-West comparative literature and thought, or a few people equivalent thereto.
  6. 6. The Advisory Group: composed of the former Presidents of the Association.

Article 12 (Term of Office of Executives)

  1. 1. The term of office for all officers is two years. However, the term of office of the editor-in-chief is set at 5 years in consideration of the continuity of the editorial work.
  2. 2. Standing directors may be reappointed.
  3. 3. If there is a vacancy during the term of an executive, the board of directors shall elect it, and the term of office shall be the remainder of the term.

Article 13 (Method of Appointment of Executives)

  1. 1. The President and Auditors are elected by the general meeting.
  2. 2. Other officers are appointed by the President.

Article 14 (Duties of Executives)

  1. 1.The President represents the Association and oversees all affairs of the society.
  2. 2. The Vice President helps the President and oversees the duties of each area. When the President is absent, the Vice President acts for the President.
  3. 3.The General Secretary helps the President plan and run the association's business, prepares, sends, and stores all documents, and is in charge of communication.
  4. 4.The Treasurer is in charge of financial management, such as collection of membership dues, disbursement, expenses, and accounting.
  5. 5.The Information Director is in charge of loading the files of the association's journal for external institutions, operating and managing the website, and helping members exchange academic information and collect data.
  6. 6.The Academic Director is in charge of planning and organizing regular academic conferences.
  7. 7.The Research Director is in charge of facilitating the research and presentation of members. He or she organizes the field of study, holds a reading, or puts the research results in books.
  8. 8.The International Director is in charge of all tasks related to the internationalization of the association, including negotiations with relevant foreign societies and scholars, planning and organizing international academic conferences, with the International Affairs Chair at the center.
  9. 9.Member Relations Directors are in charge of discovering new competent members, managing and publishing member address books, and all external negotiations accompanying the execution of academic projects, with the chairman of the member management committee.
  10. 10.The Research Ethics Committee manages, supervises, and guides the compliance of the Research Ethics Regulations when conducting all academic research by the members of this council.
  11. 11.The Council contributes to or advises on the development of the Association.
  12. 12.The advisory group oversees and advises on the overall operation of the Association.
  13. 13.The Auditors audit the association's finances and report the results to the general meeting.

Article 15 (Research Ethics Committee)
A Research Ethics Committee shall be established to supervise and guide the compliance with research ethics when carrying out all academic research activities of the members of this association. Specific matters concerning the regulation and operation of this research ethics committee are separately determined.

Chapter 4: Meeting

Article 16 (Convocation and Resolution of the General Meeting)

  1. 1. Every year, the Association will have a general meeting at the same time as the academic conference in the fall. The President can call an extra meeting if necessary.
  2. 2. The Chair of the General Meeting shall be the President or his/her acting representative.
  3. 3. The General Meeting shall be held with the members present, and decisions shall be made with the consent of a majority of the members present.

Chapter 5: Finance

Article 17 (Financial Resources)
The finances of this association shall be covered by the membership fees of regular and associate members and special members' sponsorship. The amount of dues shall be determined at the regular general meeting.

Article 18 (Fiscal Year)
The fiscal year of the association shall be from the day following the regular general meeting to the date of the following year's regular general meeting.

Chapter 6: Supplementary Provisions

Article 19 (Amendment of the Bylaws)
These bylaws can only be changed if one-third of the registered board members, or more than one-third of the registered board members, propose changes. The amendments must be approved by two-thirds or more of the members present at the general meeting to become law.

Article 20 (Enforcement bylaws)
The board of directors will decide what is needed to make these bylaws work, and what isn't in these bylaws is up to common sense.

Article 21 (Transitional Regulations)
The people who started this group, as well as those who came to the first general meeting, will automatically become members.

Article 22 (Enforcement Date)
In July 1997, these bylaws were passed at the first general meeting. They will take effect from that date.

These bylaws were enacted and enforced on July 7, 1997.
These bylaws shall be amended and effective from October 27, 2007.
These bylaws shall be amended and effective from April 1, 2013.
These bylaws shall be amended and effective from January 1, 2015