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President's Greetings

Dear Members,


This is Song-Ju Na, President of the Korea East-West Comparative Literature Association of Korea. I was elected president in the 2020 winter conference and will begin my two-year term in January. I would like to convey my gratitude and appreciation to past President Lee Sang-bin and former executives and professors, who have worked tirelessly to advance the Association.

The research and educational environment of the university is engulfed in a vortex of rapid change, including a sharp decline in the number of university students,

the switch to online learning as a result of the corona virus, financial decline as a result of tuition freezing, and a social environment that only values practicality. In addition, all universities are required to publish their papers in world academic citation journals such as A&HCI and Scopus. Therefore, KCI journals is facing a major challenge of being comparatively neglected.

However, it is my contention that now is the time when the significance and value of our comparative literature is more prominent. This is because This is because the most important area of study is comparative literature, which examines how other societies and works of literature respond to the effects of globalization. I will lead the academic conference cooperating with executive directors since I believe comparative literature research is the foundation for comprehending the universality and difference of civilizations.

I will dedicate myself to create an atmosphere in which we can exchange ideas through lectures and presentations with domestic members as well as with foreign researchers in comparative literature through academic conferences. We will encourage listing on Scopus this year in order to achieve this. In addition, we will apply to host the 2025 World Conference on Comparative Literature, led by Chair Kim Young-min. We appreciate your participation and advice in advance.

Thank you.

Na Song-Ju, President of Korea East West Comparative Association