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Date Contents
May 1997 Organizers' meeting for founding the KEASTWEST (Kookmin U)
July 1997 Inaugural 1st conference (Chungnam National U)
Nov. 1997 2nd conference and general assembly (Dongguk U)
June 1998 3rd conference and spring general assembly (Wonkwang U)
Jan. 1999 4th conference (Participation in the English Language and Literature Association of Korea for banquet, Gyeongju Education and Culture Center)
June 1999 5th conference and spring general meeting held (Kyunghee U)
Jan. 2000 6th conference (Participation in the English Language and Literature Association of Korea banquet, Hwasun Kumho Resort, Jeollanam-do)
Nov. 2000 7th conference (Sungkyunkwan U)
Jan. 2001 8th conference (Participation in the English Language and Literature Association of Korea banquet, Gyeongju Education and Culture Center)
Jun. 2001 9th conference (Kyunghee U)
Nov. 2001 10th conference and general meeting (Kyunghee U)
Jan. 2002 11th academic presentation (Onyang Tourist Hotel, participation in the English Language and Literature Association of Korea banquet)
May 2002 12th conference (Dongguk U)
Jul. 2002 13th conference (Kyunghee U)
Nov. 2002 14th conference (Dongguk U)
Jan. 2003 15th conference (Onyang Tourist Hotel, participation in the English Language and Literature Association of Korea banquet)
May 2003 16th Spring Conference (Dongguk U)
Nov. 2003 17th Fall Conference (Anyang U)
May 2004 18th Spring Conference (Dongguk U)
Oct. 2004 19th Fall Conference (Dankook U)
Apr. 2005 2005 Spring Conference (Sungkyunkwan U)
Sept. 2005 2005 Fall Academic Conference (Jeonju National U)
May 2006 2006 Spring Conference (Kyunghee U)
Nov. 2006 2006 Fall Academic Conference (Kyungwon U)
May 2007 2007 Spring Conference (Sejong U)
Oct. 2007 2007 Fall Conference (Kyungwon U)
May 2008 2008 Spring Conference (Sejong U)
Oct. 2008 2008 Fall Conference (Kyungwon U)
May 2009 2009 Spring Conference (Anyang U)
Nov. 2009 2009 Fall Conference (Dongguk U)
May 2010 2010 Spring Conference (Sejong U)
Oct. 2010 2010 Fall Conference (Kyungwon U)
April 2011 2011 Spring Conference (Dongguk U)
Oct. 2011 2011 Fall Conference (Chungju National U)
April 2012 2012 Spring Conference (Kwangwoon U)
Oct. 2012 2012 Fall Conference (Dongguk U)
April 2013 2013 Spring Conference (Dongguk U)
Oct. 2013 2013 Fall Conference (Seoul Women's U)
April 2014 2014 Spring Conference (Sejong U)
Oct. 2014 2014 Fall Conference (Dongguk U)
May 2015 2015 Spring Conference (Dongguk U)
Oct. 2015 2015 Joint International Conference (Dongguk U/IAELC)
April 2016 2016 Spring Conference (Kangwon National U)
Oct. 2016 2016 Fall Conference (Hankuk U of Foreign Studies)
May 2017 2017 Spring Conference (Seoul Women's U)-20th Anniversary Conference
Oct. 2017 20th Anniversary Joint International Conference-Institute of Trans Media World Literature
May 2018 2018 Spring Conference (Dongguk U)
Nov. 2018 2018 Fall Conference (Hankuk U of Foreign Studies)
May 2019 2019 Spring Conference (Dongguk U)
Oct. 2019 2019 Fall Conference (POSTECH)
Nov. 2020 2020 Fall Conference (Hankuk U of Foreign Studies)
June 2021 2021 Spring Conference (Hankuk U of Foreign Studies)
Nov. 2021 2021 Fall Conference (Dongguk U Online Webex)